Window and door replacement is a topic that is not often discussed in one’s daily life. However, when the time comes to get work done, it’s a part of your home that cannot be ignored. Any object serving a purpose is only as good as its components. For your home, it’s for you to have a safe, serene, and relaxing atmosphere to come back to after work where you can relax and enjoy life. Part of that comes from the design of your home.
A well designed kitchen, stairs or bedroom will make not only your experience of that home better but also the experiences of those that come to visit as well as potential future buyers of that home. One of the most crucial components to a home done right is proper designing, management and installation of windows and doors.
According to a report by done to determine individuals’ ROI (return on investment) in regard to home improvements, both window and door replacement ranked high. Replacement vinyl sliding and replacement vinyl windows scored as the 1st and 3rd best investments for homes with both garnering an 89 and 85% ROI, respectively.
What this means is that investing into replacing the sliders on either your windows or patio door as well as complete replacement of windows throughout the home leads to the greatest increases in asking prices for homes compared to money spent. This is all due to human perception.
For instance, a fancy dishwasher might be incredibly useful but something that drastically affects the appearance of your home interior whereas windows and doors make a huge difference from both inside and outside. Therefore, when selling your home, new and improved windows might land you a far higher price than other home improvements, ultimately leaving both you and the buyer in a win-win scenario.
When scouring the web, you may come across numerous enterprises offering a seemingly easy to understand and intuitive approach to window replacement, a replacement window calculator with which you select the number of windows and/or doors you need to be replaced, the style and design of the respective windows, some additional features such as glazing and/or sound proofing and finally, the overall size of the windows (i.e. smaller medium or large make/size). After this, you are given an approximate price range for your window replacement.
There are however flaws in this system that company owners might not wish to disclose with customers. These window replacement cost calculators deal with projects that feature windows that are all of the same make, size and features and inputting each type of window separately will not factor in discounted pricing that is available when you bundle your purchases. Yet even when looking beyond these simple facts, there is still a lot more left outstanding.
Size Customization: When provided with a calculator, you are asked whether or not you will have your windows be of small, medium, or large sizes. The fault lies in the lack of specifications. The fact that your window will be of a small size might have little to no direct impact on the price of your window model. This is due to Canadian Choice offering custom-made windows and doors directly from our suppliers to suit any home.
When assessing the price of a product, it is important to note the availability of it since after all, scarcity determines price. Standard window sizes such as 24 by 12 inches, 24 by 24 inches, 48 by 48 inches and so on are addressed. However, other window sizes that might fit your home if you find yourself in a cottage or older home might not match up with today’s standard window sizes. What this means is that if you find yourself needing a non-standard window frame, you might get charged extra whilst being completely oblivious to it.
At Canadian Choice, we always assign our representatives to stay in contact with both you, the client, and our suppliers to ensure that any issues are solved beforehand to ensure the speed and quality of our service is maintained.
Quality Materials: When assessing the price of a product and/or service, you are entitled to be informed of the features included and/or excluded from your contract. In the case of windows and doors, Canadian Choice Windows and Doors come equipped with enhanced multi-lock systems to keep you and your family safe, scratch/impact resistant surfaces to ensure you don’t receive scratches or cracks on your new replacements as well as elite thermal and energy efficiency certified by Energy Star .
When going through a cost estimator, any company will be eager to have you select the features it has available to determine your price tag yet they won’t be so keen to show you features that they lack. What these seemingly easy accessible interfaces do is make it appear that you have all the choice in the world yet in reality, they only offer you the options they possess. Everything else is whitewashed, whether it’s a lower energy efficiency rating due to cutting costs or less impact resistance due to a weaker frame and sash support system.
Additional Services and Contract Guarantees: The genius in replacement window cost calculators is that in capturing the full attention of the customer, they take your focus away from what forms a price tag in the first place. Very often when wanting to make a quick decision, individuals find themselves making a decision solely based on a project’s price tag without focusing on the wider ramifications. However, it is these additional services that can make or break an experience.
When it comes to guarantees, what a lower price tag might hide is the lack of guarantees, for one, warranties. A warranty is a lifeline that protects you in case of malpractice and/or negligence on behalf of the company. A low price tag might be the perfect distraction. At Canadian Choice, we keep our clients first by implementing a lifetime transferable warranty on all our products and services.
Another factor to keep in mind is the design, planning and installation processes.
A subpar company that skims the project down to its bare minimum misses out on the customer experience which directs you to your ideal window and door layout. It’s one thing to look at a screen, see a model of a window/door, look at the price tag and specifications and decide if it’s a good fit, it’s however an entirely different matter when the installation takes place. That is why Canadian Choice’s service representatives are experts in the field of home improvement hired to provide you with the most knowledgeable, smoothest and transparent service. This is done through our 24/7 communication between staff members to ensure you stay up to date and are never left behind in the dark. All our projects are also modelled out in a 3D virtual layout which takes into account lighting, energy efficiency, positioning, thermal efficiency and more to give you an accurate depiction of the final product.
Ultimately, it’s all a matter of doing your research before coming to a definitive conclusion. When it comes to window and door replacement, look through your service contract to determine warranties on the product and service, check to see whether or not some additional features are included in your selection and make sure to identify whether or not your home requires custom-made sizes. Finding the best product for you is our job and making your home the best it can be is our goal. If you're interested in learning more, don’t hesitate to visit us at today and book your free consultation.
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