When to Replace Windows in Winnipeg

When to Replace Windows in Winnipeg
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8 months ago
Reviewed by Bryan Baeumler

Are you considering the idea of replacing the windows in your home, but you are just not sure if you should? There are several things you can consider when determining whether window replacement is necessary. Sometimes, a simple repair might be all that is required; other times, replacing your windows could save you thousands of dollars down the road. Canadian Choice Windows & Doors™ has years of experience, and we can help you make the best choice.

The Biggest Warning Signs that It Is Time to Replace Your Windows

There is no doubt that replacing your outdated windows can save you a great deal of money in energy costs and even keep you more comfortable, but if you only improve your efficiency slightly, it could take a decade or more to recoup your costs. If you are wondering when to replace windows in Winnipeg and make it worth the money, the following indicators are always great signs.

  • The windows are more than 25 years old . Despite the fact that windows have been made from glass for centuries, the other technologies utilized by manufacturers to make these windows energy-efficient changes regularly. If your windows are more than 25 years old, there's a great chance that new technologies have greatly improved overall insulation and efficiency. This means replacing your windows is likely a very good idea.
  • Existing windows are sealed shut or no longer functional . Though it is not unusual to find windows that have been painted shut – and it is possible to repair this – if your windows are sealed shut, or if they no longer function, these windows are prime candidates for replacement.
  • The windows are broken, or the frames have deteriorated . Though it may be possible to replace broken window panes if your frames are still in good condition, this is not the case if your frames are broken or rotting. Rotting window frames can cause structural damage to your home, and left unchecked, this can be detrimental. If you have broken windows or deteriorated frames, and you find yourself wondering when to replace windows in Winnipeg, now is the time.

Cost window replacement

The Best Time of Year to Replace Your Windows

If you are aware that your windows should be replaced, but you find yourself wondering when to replace windows in Winnipeg in terms of the time of year, there are a couple options to consider. First of all, bear in mind that it may take six to eight weeks for the windows you order to arrive, so it is always best to plan ahead. What's more, remember that it is very difficult for installers to replace windows in the dead of winter since sealants and foams tend to set improperly, so it is usually better to plan replacement projects during the warm time of year. Simply put, be sure to plan ahead and schedule your replacement for a time of year when it is not below freezing outdoors.

If you want to know when to replace your windows in Winnipeg , the information above can serve as an invaluable reference. First, determine which windows – if any – need to be replaced. Then, give us a call here at Canadian Choice™, get your windows ordered, and try to plan your replacement during the warm season for the best possible results.

Simon Pozneris
Simon Pozneris, President of Brand & Marketing

As founder and President at Canadian Choice Windows and Doors, I've turned my passion for home improvement into a national brand. From our humble beginnings as a single store, we've expanded to six locations across Canada, specializing in windows, doors, and energy-efficient home solutions.

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Reviewed by Bryan Baeumler

1000’s of Colours & Textured Finishes

Transform your home from ordinary to extraordinary with our new coloured and non-glare textured finishes. Available in a wide array of colours as well as custom matched colours for your very own personalized design.

Our Most Popular Replacement Window Colours:

Rainware White Color Swatch
Sandalwood Color Swatch
Brownstone Color Swatch
Commercial Brown Color Swatch
Wedgewood Blue Color Swatch
Pebble Color Swatch
Venetian Red Color Swatch
Iron Ore Color Swatch
Southern Ontario: