Home Energy Audit Explained

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Reviewed by Bryan Baeumler

Home energy audits are becoming increasingly popular across Canada for households aiming to reduce their environmental impact, and with good reason - an effective home energy audit can help you identify areas of potential savings and increase the efficiency of your household’s energy use.

The process of conducting a home energy audit begins with identifying the sources of wasted energy from within your home. A typical audit includes measures such as inspecting insulation levels and appliance usage, evaluating heating/cooling systems, checking for air leaks around windows and doors, and testing appliances for proper functioning. Through these steps, homeowners can gain insight into which areas require additional attention in order to decrease their overall energy consumption and save money on their utility bills.

Furthermore, implementing your recommended changes following an energy audit may also qualify homeowners for tax credits or other incentives depending on their location.

Ultimately, understanding the process behind a home energy audit allows you to make informed decisions about improving your home’s sustainability while potentially saving you money in the long run.

What Is a Home Energy Audit?

A home energy audit gives you an understanding of how well your home uses energy.

The efficiency of your home can vary greatly depending on your environment and your home’s inhabitants. To better understand this relationship and identify the areas where energy savings can be achieved, performing a home energy audit is therefore essential.

During a home energy audit, homeowners can expect to have their homes evaluated in order to use less electricity or natural gas. The process usually involves inspecting insulation levels , air leakage points, lighting fixtures, and other equipment that could affect the home's overall energy usage.

Homeowners may also wish to consider investing in more efficient appliances such as Energy Star certified products, which are rated by independent third-party organizations for their performance and cost-effectiveness.

Taking all these steps will help you reduce monthly utility bills while making sure your house operates at peak efficiency.

Different Types of Home Energy Audits

The four most common types of home energy audits include:

  • a blower door test,
  • a thermography scan,
  • a combustion safety test, and
  • an air infiltration test.

A blower door test measures the air leakage in your home’s building envelope, while a thermography scan uses infrared technology to detect temperature differences between walls and other surfaces. Meanwhile, the combustion safety test checks for unsafe levels of carbon monoxide or natural gas leaks in furnaces and water heaters, and an air infiltration test measures airflow rates through windows, doors, attic accesses, and wall penetrations such as fans and vents.

In order to maximize savings from any home energy audit, it is important to take action by implementing your recommended changes immediately after receiving the results from your audit - this includes increasing humidity control throughout your household, replacing inefficient lighting fixtures with LED bulbs or smart lighting systems, as well as window renovation projects that could potentially reduce drafts and improve insulation performance within your home’s building envelope.

Taking Action: Increase Your Home's Energy Efficiency

At first glance, it may seem like increasing your home energy efficiency will be a daunting task. However, taking the necessary steps to increase your home's energy efficiency will have long-term benefits for both the environment and your wallet.

Energy audits allow you to analyze the different aspects of your home, such as ventilation systems, air conditioning systems, insulation levels, and other elements that affect your overall energy usage. The following measures can also be taken to improve your home’s energy efficiency:

Humidity Control

Properly controlling moisture levels in your living space helps regulate indoor temperatures without having to use extra heating or cooling units, thereby reducing electricity usage.


Replacing traditional incandescent bulbs with LED lights helps reduce wattage while providing optimal lighting.

Window Renovation

Ensuring proper insulation by installing double-glazed windows in your home can help you ensure better temperature regulation inside your home, which reduces unnecessary heating/cooling costs over time.

Regular energy evaluations allow homeowners to quickly identify areas where they can make improvements in their homes in order to save money while being more environmentally friendly. Making changes in accordance with these tips will ultimately lead to an increase in the overall energy efficiency of your household, and provide significant savings on your monthly utility bills.

When scheduling your home energy audit, it’s important to understand the details of the process in order to ensure optimal results for your home. Some questions to consider asking include:

What Are the Three Types of Energy Audits?

There are three distinct types of energy audits: comprehensive, targeted, and virtual. Like pieces of a puzzle, each type helps build an accurate picture of how much energy is being used within your home.

Comprehensive audits provide a detailed evaluation from top-to-bottom, with specialized equipment that inspects insulation levels, air leakage rates, and more. Meanwhile, targeting focuses solely on specific systems, such as heating or cooling units, while virtual evaluations rely mainly on self-observations by the homeowner, coupled with feedback from professionals.

Regardless of which approach is chosen, all strive to achieve similar goals – improved energy efficiency at home through thoughtful evaluation and assessment.

How Do I Prepare for a Home Energy Audit?

Have you ever wondered what it takes to prepare for a home energy audit?

Home energy audits are an important part of understanding the level of energy efficiency in your home. The goal is to identify areas where improvements can be made, and this requires a proper preparation.

The first step in preparing for a home energy evaluation is gathering all relevant documents related to your home’s recent history. Documents such as utility bills, previous inspection reports, and appliance manuals should be gathered ahead of time so that they can easily be referenced during the assessment process. It may also be beneficial to conduct some research on available rebate programs or tax credits prior to the appointment, as these incentives could potentially offset some of the costs associated with implementing recommended upgrades.

In addition, make sure to plan out your day around your scheduled appointment by allowing additional time before and after the actual review for any necessary follow-up conversations about potential solutions, or questions about certain findings from the evaluator. Furthermore, having all of the occupants of your home present during the review is essential, as it allows for direct communication between those affected by suggested changes and the person conducting the assessment.

Ensuring that everyone involved understands why certain measures are being proposed is key when making decisions regarding future investments into increasing energy efficiency at home.

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How Long Do Home Energy Audits Take?

A home energy audit typically includes an assessment of the insulation, air leaks, ventilation, heating/cooling systems, lighting, and appliances within your home in order to identify areas for improvement. A key point that must be addressed when considering a home energy audit is therefore the length of time it will take to complete.

An average home energy audit generally takes between two and four hours depending on the size of your home, the amount of equipment present, and the complexity of the issues being evaluated. The process involves both visual inspections, as well as diagnostic testing using specialized tools such as:

  • Visual Inspections:
  • Evaluating existing insulation levels
  • Identifying potential sources of air leakage
  • Examining HVAC system components
  • Diagnostic Testing (Measuring airflow through ductwork or blower door tests, assessing safety features in gas-fired appliances, and verifying appliance performance with combustion analyzers)

In addition to diagnostics, some auditors may also include additional services, such as providing estimates related to potential improvements, or even making suggestions regarding specific products or contractors that can perform the necessary work.

Thus, there are many factors affecting the overall duration of a typical home energy audit.

All things considered, carrying out the thorough inspection and analysis required for a successful energy efficiency evaluation could take anywhere from one day up to several days depending on the multiple elements involved in your individual case.

With proper planning and preparation, homeowners can significantly reduce their utility costs while creating a more comfortable living space through improved insulation and ventilation. Investing time into researching and understanding home energy audits is essential in order to create an effective strategy for improving overall efficiency within your household.

At Canadian Choice Windows and Doors, our team of professionals is here to help you understand every step of the home energy audit process, allowing you to focus on renovating the windows and doors in your home without worrying about their effects on your energy consumption. Reach out to a member of our team today to get the answers you need!

Simon Pozneris
Simon Pozneris, President of Brand & Marketing

As founder and President at Canadian Choice Windows and Doors, I've turned my passion for home improvement into a national brand. From our humble beginnings as a single store, we've expanded to six locations across Canada, specializing in windows, doors, and energy-efficient home solutions.

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Reviewed by Bryan Baeumler

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