Canada's Greener Homes Grant
for a better tomorrow!

Windows and doors are a huge part of what makes your home yours. If you find wear and tear is taking a toll on your windows and doors, DON’T WAIT TO REPLACE them. Problems with financing? Not to worry, Canada's Greener Homes Grant is offering up to $5,000 to cover household’s improvement costs. With Canadian Choice, you can:

  • Ensure your eligibility for the grant
  • Maximize energy efficiency to save as much as 23% on annual energy bills!
  • Improve your home’s value on the market with a high ROI
  • Have personalized advice to optimize your home’s spacing and lighting to suit your needs

Using The Greener Homes Grant

The Greener Homes Grant is a federal initiative that is retroactive to December 2020 whose goal is to increase the energy efficiency of Canadian households. This is done by giving out grants for home improvement in order to develop more energy efficient infrastructure for Canadian homes such as energy efficient windows and doors. This will also include:

  • Up to 700,000 grants given to homeowners of up to $5,000 to help retrofit homes to being more energy efficient
  • Expert advice and EnerGuide evaluations (worth up to $600) to help owners begin planning their retrofits

The Eligibility Criteria

In order to find out what or what not is covered under the grant, ask yourself these following questions:

  • Am I interested in retrofitting my home by replacing windows and doors, insulation, renewable energy and/or more?
  • Am I planning on making other home upgrades such as resilience measures, air sealing or programmable thermostats?
  • Am I willing to allow an EnerGuide expert perform an audit on my home to assess its energy efficient deficiencies?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you may find yourself eligible for a lump sum of up to $5,000 covered by EnerGuide.

Earn Money, Live Better

Canadian Choice’s enhanced DraftLOCK plus technology is a certified high performance window ranking in the highest energy efficiency category by Energy Star with uniquely sealed LoE glass units to maximize your home’s energy and thermal efficiency.

This in exchange leads to you maximizing the amount you are eligible for by the Canada Greener Homes Grant Program ensuring that you not only save more on bills but also get back more of your well deserved money.

Upgrade Your Home and Downgrade Your Bills Today!

Find out how we can maximize your home’s potential by helping you save money and live better. Book your free consultation today!

Frequently Asked Questions
Questions You Might Have

What is the maximum amount a homeowner is eligible for?

Households are entitled to as much as $5000 for home retrofitting.

Is the inspection/audit by the EnerGuide representative included in the $5000?

No, this suit might cost up to $600 and is also covered separately by the Greener Homes Grant program.

How much can I receive from replacing my windows and doors?

Depending on the energy efficiency rating of the windows:

  • $250 per rough opening (i.e. framed opening of a window) for the most energy efficient star rated windows by Energy Star 2021
  • $125 per rough opening for high energy efficiency rated windows by Energy Star 2021
  • $125 for Energy Star rated doors
  • All included, a maximum total of $5000
Are repairs and alterations covered by the program?

No, unfortunately only full window and door replacement is eligible. Glass or sahs-only replacements, door slabs and insert replacements are not eligible.

Which windows and doors are covered under the grant?

Windows and doors are covered if they are locally produced, sold and purchased.

All manufacturers and products must also be registered on the NRCan database and Energy Star rated to receive an energy efficiency score.

All Canadian Choice windows and doors are certified by Energy Star and registered on the database. Please refrain from removing labels from windows and doors until after the final energy audit.

How far back is the grant program retroactive?

The program is retroactive to December 2020. Therefore, any replacements made before December of 2020 are ineligible.

Replaced windows after December 1st, 2020, but haven’t done your audit?

All retrofits are required for grant eligibility. This requires a pre-evaluation from an EnerCare expert. If you have not completed a pre-evaluation after April 1st, 2020, you are ineligible.

Can I still receive grant money even if the retrofitting isn’t explicitly recommended by the EnerCare advisor?

At least one of the retrofits must be specifically recommended by an energy auditor. If a specific retrofit isn’t stated, you may not be eligible to receive a grant for those window and door replacements. If you have any questions or concerns, contact NRCan:

What paperwork is required?

All receipts and documents provided to you must be kept from all evaluations, both pre-evaluations and post evaluations. These invoices are necessary to prove your legitimacy and eligibility.

Is it worth getting my windows and doors replaced?

Windows and doors are the most commonly cited reasons for a retrofit and will grant you the greatest eligibility for the Canada Greener Homes Grant program. Whilst windows and doors are expensive investments, they are also ones that net the highest return on investment and are also one of the most durable.

Where do you find an energy evaluation company?

To find a credible energy evaluation company, all you need is us. We help you find an NRCan approved evaluator to avoid the delays the system is plagued with. We set up direct appointments with approved evaluators in less than 48 hours so you don’t have to got through the hassle!

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